
50 Questions

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Done on September 25th at 1:27 in the morning.
1. Probably Rachel at the football game. Or Bella. At a different football game.
2. I am loud.
3. I look forward to seeing Michael.
4. I like to think I'm easy to get along with, but I'm also biased.
5. I have given up on Ian eight times and I went back to him seven times.
6. I'd like to think that he would take care of me if I were drunk. But I don't know if he would anymore.
7. No, not at all.
8. Michael. All the time.
9. Nope. Sex is sex. It's a natural human process.
10. Probably Sherry. We always have the kinds of conversations where we want to kill ourselves afterwards because this life is too devoid of depth.
11. From Sherry: So you get tired.
12. I am pro-choice, always. But I think people should look into freezing their embryos as an alternative to just throwing out their fetuses... feti?
13. Yes. I love being packed against people at concerts and big crowds make it even better.
14. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Not luck and not miracles.
15. Michael actually hung out with me and was willing to give me a ride home.
16. I don't even remember the last person I kissed. It was probably Sherry, and maybe I would kiss him again. But it would feel wrong because things have changed since the last time we kissed.
17. I hope so. Because humans being the smartest beings in the universe would make me unbelievably depressed.
18. I moved around a lot. I have no way of keeping in touch with Chad from second grade.
19. Not particularly. I love taking showers, though, and then using the suds from my shampoo to make beards and draw on my stomach.
20. I guess. Actually, no. Because whenever Michael drives me home, the neighbor kids form a wall in front of his truck for some bizarre reason.
21. My bad habits are staying up late, procrastinating, singing all the damn time, and constantly focusing attention on myself and the worst parts of the story.
22. I want to go someplace where the sky is gray and there's an ocean breeze and not much pollution. I don't have any specific place in mind.
23. I do, to a certain extent. I will trust people with anything they want to know about me. But as soon as it comes down to how I actually feel about things, I clam up.
24. I don't like my daily routine at all. But sleeping is pretty nice.
25. Sweat glands. They're really gross and whenever mine are used, I feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable.
26. I turn off my cell phone alarm clock, curse the fact that I have to wake up so early, and lay in bed for a few minutes.
27. I wish it was lighter. Or... more uniform. My face and my chest are pretty light-toned, but my arms and legs are tan.
28. I am the most comfortable around Luke, probably. I don't know. I'm comfortable with a lot of people, but Luke, I never care about how I look or what I smell like or whatever. I just throw myself at him, put my forehead on his shoulder, and complain, "Luke, what am I doing with my life?"
29. I only have one ex. And I did all the breaking. Seven times.
30. Not particularly. Currently, I have spouses. But actually being legally married and all that stuff. I don't care for it. I want to fall in love and be loved, and I don't need an expensive ceremony, meaningless church words, and a legal document to do that.
31. Yup. I'm growing it out after nearly four years of having it too short to put in a pony tail.
32. I would like to have a threesome with Brendon Urie and Darren Criss. And then they could sing me to sleep. And I would enjoy the singing much more than the sex, I think.
33. m,ikaeloa
34. Not particularly.
35. Without TV. Music plays in my head constantly, and it's really a deciding factor in how close I am with people. Even music as an institution constantly pervades my life. I couldn't live without it.
36. Yup. And the people that I did tell always ended up saying something along the lines of "I'm sorry."
37. Nothing. Silence is the absence of sound.
38. Not at all, if I'm being honest. The guy I like is legally an adult and I'm not. That doesn't mean I can't have feelings for him. Now, if it's clearly a pedophilic relationship, then yes, age matters. But after puberty and hormones and actually having feelings of love or desire, then age doesn't matter.
39. I don't like shopping.
40. After high school, I want to become a lawyer, or so I say to other people. If I'm being honest, I want to live in a VW microbus, play guitar, go to the beach, and sell my drawings to make money.
41. I don't. But I end up always giving everyone a second chance for some bizarre reason. I can't explain it, but even if a guy hurts me, I forgive him.
42. It either means that I'm really tired, or I'm thinking about Michael, or I'm uncomfortable.
43. Yes. All the time.
44. Bottom of the ocean.
45. I do, quite frankly. But not a same-gender room mate. I want a guy room mate. Because I really can't stand girls. Plus, if I had a guy room mate, if one of us ever felt the urge to masturbate, we could just do it with each other. Then again, I could always do that with a girl, too.
46. I'm paranoid about how greasy my face looks, how puffy my eyes look, and how greasy my hair looks. I'm also paranoid that whenever someone says something about girls being whores, they're talking about me.
47. "Just forget it ever happened." All the other mean stuff was said behind my back. But... that sentence just completely and utterly crushes my soul because of the person that said it and what he was referring to.
48. The nicest thing? I don't even have a clue... Probably "You can't pull off being a boy. You have boobs." Or! Wait! "This is too good to not share with everyone." My English teacher said that about a story I wrote.
49. Not recently... Or. Wait. Yes, actually. I hope no one finds out that I cry my eyes out every night over some stupid boy that doesn't love me back.
50. Japanese. And this is a really lame last question.
I was actually completely honest when answering this. Which is monumentally surprising.

The story referenced in 48. is "Red Lights" and you can find it somewhere in my gallery.

These are only the answers to the questions. The questions can be found here.

Keywords: Honestly 50 questions red lights monumentally surprising brendon urie darren criss tumblr
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